"I came, I saw, and God won."

- Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, paraphrasing Julius Caesar in describing
his overwhelming victory at against the Protestants at the Battle of Mühlberg, April 1547.

"Sangallo...has departed from the truth. That this is so, anyone with an unimpassioned eye can see....Sangallo...takes away all the light...leaving so many dark, lurking places above and below that they afford ample opportunity for innumerable rascalities, such as the hiding of exiles, the coining of base money, the ravishing of nuns...so that at night, when the church closes, it would need twenty-five men to seek out those who remained hidden inside."

- Newly appointed designer of St. Peter's Basilica Michelangelo,
furiously rejecting the design of his predecessor Antonio da Sangallo the Younger.

In the year AD 1547...

These people were born in 1547:

These people died in 1547:

1546 - 1547 - 1548

16th century

How they were made

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